Time Vault Update – Invoice Creation!

Some of you may have noticed that on Monday the latest update to Time Vault was released. This update brings the anticipated Invoice Creation feature for everyone. Invoice Creation will allow users to create a customized invoice based upon the selected Log Book that can be sent out to your clients or businesses. Users can specify to and from addresses, which can be saved for later usage as well, as well as they can specify which milestones are used from the Log Book. Once an invoice is generated users can either retrieve them from the iTunes application data sharing tab or they can e-mail the invoices directly to their destinations. Currently invoices are created as PDF files.

We will continue to be updating this as well as all features of Time Vault but we welcome your feedback and suggestions.

Time Vault – Coming Features


Just a quick update on the current state of Time Vault and where we are planning on taking it in the short term. We would like to thank our users for sticking with us through a some what rocky few updates. Stability and reliability are very important to us so we would like our users to freely contact us with any issues that they encounter, as well as being sure to synch with iTunes regularly to submit any crash reports to Apple.

We are currently in the finishing stages of the next content update which will bring the initial Invoice creation options. Users will be able to generate an invoice for their logbook and either save it to iTunes or e-mail it to themselves. We anticipate that it should be approved before the end of the month.

In addition, we are looking into cloud storage options that will allow users to backup their data to the cloud(using their own storage box, which services we support is TBD). As well being able to pull down the data from the cloud into the application is a priority, in addition to being able to locally import user data (such as an xml file containing logbook data).

-Midnight Labs


We have discovered that there was an issue with the latest update. Please do not update to v1.1.0 until further notice. We are currently trying to get an expedited review from Apple as soon as possible. In the mean time we have removed Time Vault from the app store until the issue has been resolved.

Users that have already updated to v1.1.0 should be fine with the next update, but we recommend backing up your iPad data for now. The next update should not cause any data loss.

Feedback Pages added

We have set up specific pages for providing your feedback, comments, suggestions, and problems with our applications and services. You can find them by using the navigation menu at the top of the page or by clicking here. We look forward to hearing from you! If you don’t want to leave a public comment you are also welcome to contact us directly as well by visiting the contact us page.